Quick Start (Demo deployment)

This guide provides a quick start to deploy RSTUF in a demo environment. This deployment will use Docker, Helm Chart, and Minikube for running a Kubernetes cluster locally.


Software and tools

Make sure you have all the required software and tools installed.

Starting RSTUF in 4 steps (demo mode)

1. Get RSTUF helm chart

 helm repo add rstuf https://repository-service-tuf.github.io/helm-charts

❯ helm repo update

❯ helm search repo rstuf
rstuf/rstuf-api         0.2.0           1.0.0b1         A RSTUF API Helm chart for Kubernetes
rstuf/rstuf-demo        0.2.0           1.0.0b1         RSTUF Demo deploying RSTUF services and infrast...
rstuf/rstuf-worker      0.2.0           1.0.0b1         A RSTUF Worker Helm chart for Kubernetes

2. Start minikube including the ingress addon

 minikube start --driver=docker
❯ minikube addons enable ingress
❯ minikube addons enable ingress-dns

3. Deploy RSTUF demo

 helm upgrade --install rstuf rstuf/rstuf-demo -n rstuf --create-namespace
Release "rstuf" does not exist. Installing it now.
NAME: rstuf
LAST DEPLOYED: Sat Sep 28 10:37:08 2024
STATUS: deployed

Check if the pods are all running:

 kubectl get pod -n rstuf
NAME                                  READY   STATUS    RESTARTS      AGE
rstuf-localstack-5c9b844668-w9rqq     1/1     Running   0             2m10s
rstuf-postgresql-0                    1/1     Running   0             2m10s
rstuf-rstuf-api-69b689dff5-c5wh7      1/1     Running   1 (29s ago)   2m10s
rstuf-rstuf-worker-84957d95b7-msbzl   1/1     Running   1 (14s ago)   2m10s
rstuf-valkey-master-0                 1/1     Running   0             2m10s

4. Minikube tunnel

Add to .local domain the RSTUF API and Localstack services

 echo "$(minikube ip) rstuf.local localstack.local" | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts

Start the minikube tunnel:

 minikube tunnel
✅  Tunnel successfully started

📌  NOTE: Please do not close this terminal as this process must stay alive for the tunnel to be accessible ...

❗  The service/ingress rstuf-localstack requires privileged ports to be exposed: [80 443]
🔑  sudo permission will be asked for it.
❗  The service/ingress rstuf-rstuf-api requires privileged ports to be exposed: [80 443]
🏃  Starting tunnel for service rstuf-localstack.
🔑  sudo permission will be asked for it.
🏃  Starting tunnel for service rstuf-rstuf-api.


You can go through the RSTUF setup ceremony and bootstrap, see Service Setup.


  1. Export the environment variables to use localstack as the AWS endpoint.

    export AWS_ENDPOINT_URL=http://localstack.local
    export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=access
    export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=key
    export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=us-east-1
  2. Use the online key as AWS KMS and AWS KMS KeyID as alias/aws-test-key.

And that’s it! You have RSTUF running in your local machine, see how to use it in Using RSTUF.