
Worker design

Context level

The repository-service-tuf-worker, in the context perspective, is a Consumer and Publisher from the Broker that receives tasks to perform in the TUF Metadata Repository. The Metadata Repository is stored using a Repository Storage Service that reads/writes this data. For signing this Metadata, the repository-service-tuf-worker uses the Key Vault Repository Service to access the online keys.


Container level

The repository-service-tuf-worker, in the container perspective, is a Metadata Repository worker that performs actions to the TUF Metadata.

It will consume tasks from the Broker server and execute the task actions in the Metadata Repository using the Storage Service to handle the TUF Metadata. For signing the Metadata, it will use the Key Vault Service to manage the keys. After executing any action, repository-service-tuf-api publishes to the Broker.

The repository-service-tuf-worker implements the services Storage Service and the Key Vault Service to support different technologies for storage and key vault storage.

Current supported Storage Services types:
  • LocalStorage (File System)

  • S3Storage (AWS S3 Object Storage – to be implemented)

Current supported Key Vault Service types:
  • LocalKeyVault (File System)

  • KMS (AWS KMS – to be implemented)

The repository-service-tuf-worker stores configuration settings. These are the Worker Settings.

The repository-service-tuf-worker``also uses the **Repository Settings**, from ``RSTUF_REDIS_SERVER.

Worker Settings: are related to the operational configurations to run the repository-service-tuf-worker such as worker id, Broker, type of Storage, Key Vault services and their sub-configurations, etc.

Repository Settings are given by repository-service-tuf-api and are stored in RSTUF_REDIS_SERVER to run routine tasks such as bumping snapshot and timestamp metadata, etc.


Component level


Component Specific

Distributed Asynchronous Signing

This describes the Distributed Asynchronous Signing with other specific TUF Metadata processes.

  • if the included root has enough signatures, task is finalized right away

  • otherwise, task is put in pending state and half-signed root is cached (RSTUF Setting: ROOT_SIGNING)


See BOOTSTRAP and ROOT_SIGNING states reference in Architecture Design: TUF Repository Settings.

   partition "Bootstrap"{
      if (Bootstrap is "<task-id>") then (True)
      elseif (Bootstrap is "pre-<task-id>") then (True)
      elseif (Bootstrap is "signing-<task-id>") then (True)
         : Bootstrap is "None";

   partition "Threshold" {
      if (Threshold is complete) then (True)
         : Finish Bootstrap;
         : "BOOTSTRAP" set to "<task-id>";

      else (False)
         : "ROOT_SIGNING" set to Root Metadata;
         : "BOOTSTRAP" set to "signing-<task-id>";


Adding/Removing targets

As mentioned at the container level, the domain of repository-service-tuf-worker (Repository Worker) is managing the TUF Repository Metadata. The Repository Worker has an Metadata Repository (MetadataRepository) implementation using python-tuf.

The repository implementation has different methods such as adding new targets, removing targets, bumping role metadata versions (ex: Snapshot and Timestamp), etc.

The Repository Worker handles everything as a task. To handle the tasks, the Repository Worker uses Celery as Task Manager.

We have two types of tasks:

  • First are tasks that Repository Work consumes from the Broker Server are tasks published by the Repository Service for TUF API in the repository_metadata queue, sent by an API User.

  • Second are tasks that Repository Work generates in the queue rstuf_internals. Those are internal tasks for the Repository Worker maintenance.

The tasks are defined in the repository-service-tuf-worker/`, and uses Celery Beat as scheduler.

The repository Worker has two maintenance tasks:

  • Bump Roles that contain online keys (“Snapshot”, “Timestamp” and Hahsed Bins (“bins-XX”).

  • Publish the new Hashed Bins Target Roles (“bins-XX”) with new/removed targets.

About Bump Roles (bump_online_roles) that contain online keys is easy. These roles have short expiration (defined during repository configuration) and must be “bumped” frequently. The implementation in the RepositoryMetadata

Publish the new Hashed Bins Target Roles (publish_targets) is part of the solution for the Repository Worker scalability, Issue 17.

To understand more, every time the API sends a task to add a new target, the Hashed Bins Roles must be changed to add the new target(s), followed by a new Snapshot and Timestamp versions.

    !pragma useVerticalIf
    :Add/Remove target(s);
    :1. Add the target(s) to the Hashed Bin Role;
    :2. Generate a new version;
    :2. Persist the new Hashed Bin Role in the Storage;
    :4. Update Hashed Bin Role version in the Snapshot meta;
    :5. Bump Snapshot version;
    :6. Persist the new Snapshot in the Storage;
    :7. Update Snapshot Version in the Timestamp;
    :8. Bump Timestamp Version;
    :9. Persist the new Timestamp in the Storage;

To give more flexibility to multiple Repository Workers to handle multiple tasks and not wait until the entiry flow is done, per each task, we split it.

We use the ‘waiting time’ to alternate between tasks.


This is valid flow for the Repository Metadata Methods add_targets and remove_targets

Repository Worker adds/removes the target to the SQL Database.

It means the multiple Repository Workers can write multiple Targets (TargetFiles) simultaneously from various tasks in the Database.

The Publish the new Hashed Bins Target Roles is a synchronization between the SQL Database and the Hashed Bins Target Roles in the Backend Storage (i.e. JSON files in the filestytem)

When a task finishes, it sends a task the Publish the new Hashed Bins Target Roles .

Every minute, the routine task Publish the new Hashed Bins Target Roles also runs.

The task will continue running and waiting until all the targets are persisted to the Repository Metadata backend.

The Publish the new Hashed Bins Target Roles task runs once per time to using locks 1 . It will will do:

   partition "publish targets" {
      repeat while (Try LOCK publish_targets) is (Waiting)
      if (delegated role has NO new targets files) then (True)
         :Query all delegated role with target files changed;
         repeat :For each delegated role;
            :Clean the the role delegated metadata target files;
            :Add the target files with 'action' ADD;
            :Bump delegated role version;
         repeat while (Persist the delegated role new version)
         :Bump Snapshot Version with new targets;
         :Bump Timestamp Version with new Snapshot version;
         :Persist the new Timestamp in the Storage and Update the SQL;
         :UNLOCK publish_targets;


Lock is used Celery task. It is used to ensure a task is only executed one at a time . I avoid that two tasks write the same metadata, causing a race condition.

RSTUF Worker Backend Services Development


The default RSTUF Worker source code is configured to use LocalStorage.

  1. Initiate the local development environment make run-dev


  1. Initiate the aws development environment make run-dev DC=aws


The default RSTUF Worker source code is configured to use LocalKeyVault.

  1. Initiate the local development environment make run-dev

Important issues/problems