Assuming a successful Repository Service for TUF (RSTUF) Deployment and Service Setup is complete, these are the usage:

Adding/Removing artifacts to TUF Metadata

RSTUF allows organizations to easily integrate the robust TUF metadata along the existing content repositories using the RSTUF API.

Adding or removing artifacts to the content repository to protect the user must be added to TUF metadata, enabling the TUF Client to fetch the new artifact using the trusted metadata.

    agent release
    folder content_repository as "Content Repository" {
        artifact vxyz as "downloads/release/project/artifact-vX.Y.Z"
    folder metadat as "TUF Metadata" #DodgerBlue {
        rectangle vxyz_metadata as "release/project/artifact-vX.Y.Z"
    release --> vxyz
    release --> vxyz_metadata

Releasing the artifact in the content repository does not require changes to the existing process.

To manage artifacts in the TUF metadata, use HTTP requests to the RSTUF API. The main actions are adding or removing artifacts to the metadata.

A successful RSTUF deployment will have an RSTUF HTTP(S) API service

http://<IP ADDRESS>/api/v1/

Adding artifacts

Send requests to http://<IP ADDRESS>/api/v1/artifacts with method POST with a JSON payload.


See the complete API documentation

Add artifacts payload

 2    "artifacts": [
 3        {
 4        "info": {
 5            "length": "<LENGTH>",
 6            "hashes": {
 7            "<HASH-NAME>": "<HASH>"
 8            },
 9        },
10        "path": "<PATH>"
11        }
12    ]
Required parameters





An integer length in bytes of the artifact



A hash algorithm names



The hash output, such as shasum -a 256 <artifact>



The full artifact path, excluding the Base URL. If clients will look for artifacts in the path should exclude the Base URL


Removing artifacts

Send requests to http://<IP ADDRESS>/api/v1/artifacts/delete with method POST with a JSON payload.


See the complete API documentation

Remove artifacts payload

2    "artifacts": ["<PATH>"]
Required parameters





The full artifact path, excluding the Base URL. If clients will look for artifacts in the path should exclude the Base URL


Advanced Usage

Managing adding/removing artifacts tasks – call-backs

Adding/removing artifacts to Repository Service for TUF (RSTUF) is an asynchronous process.

Submitting a request for adding/removing will return an HTTP status code 202, meaning the task is submitted. As part of the body, there is the task id.

Response body adding/removing artifacts, task id:

    "data": {
        "task_id": "<TASK ID>",

This body has more details such as artifacts, last_update, etc. See the endpoint response documentation

To retrieve the task status, send requests to http://<IP ADDRESS>/api/v1/task?task_id=<TASK ID> with method GET.

The response will have a body with all task details

    "data": {
        "task_id": "<TASK ID>",
        "state": "<STATE>",
        "result": {
        "status": "Task finished.",
        "details": {
            "key": "value"
    "message": "Task state."

See the endpoint task documentation for more details.

Adding artifacts for back-signing

Repository Service for TUF (RSTUF) allows adding artifacts without publishing immediately to the TUF Metadata.

As example, an organization adds and removes artifacts while batch publishing daily.

This feature requires adding the publish_artifacts parameter to Add artifacts payload or Remove artifacts payload.


Adding artifacts without publishing

 2    "artifacts": [
 3        {
 4        "info": {
 5            "length": "<LENGTH>",
 6            "hashes": {
 7            "<HASH-NAME>": "<HASH>"
 8            },
 9        },
10        "path": "<PATH>"
11        }
12    ],
13    "publish_artifacts": false

Removing artifacts without publishing

2    "artifacts": ["<PATH>"],
3    "publish_artifacts": false

To publish all artifacts added/removed without publishing, send a request to http://<IP ADDRESS>/api/v1/artifacts/publish with method POST.


See the complete API documentation

Recovering a compromised key

The Repository Service for TUF (RSTUF) can help to replace the compromised keys.

If an offline (Root) key is compromised (a threshold of keys belonging to the metadata to the Root metadata) is required a Metadata Update.

If the online key is compromised, it requires a Metadata Update to replace the online key.

Metadata Update

The Metadata Update ceremony is a guided process allowing you to:

  • add or remove key(s)

  • change the Root role key threshold

  • change the Root expiration

Before starting the Metadata Update Ceremony authorization is required with at least one private root key to be fully loaded.

The changes a user is allowed to make are not limited to the Root role, but also include the keys used by all other roles as well.

When the ceremony is complete, the CLI can send the new information directly to an RSTUF API instance or save it locally into a JSON file.

The Metadata Update ceremony could be used for multiple use cases as for example:

  • recover from a compromised key

  • remove a key for a person leaving the organization

  • add a new key to be used by a new employee

  • improve the security of a repository by increasing the Root role threshold

Importing existing artifacts

When adopting Repository Service for TUF (RSTUF), with a large number of artifacts (artifacts/packages/files/etc.), using the “import artifacts” feature is recommended.

Existing artifacts can be sent using the REST API, however it will be slower than using the “import artifacts” feature.

The “import artifacts” feature can be used to add artifacts directly to the RSTUF database skipping the standard processing of the API. Normally, when adding an artifact through the API there will be an overhead of multiple additional operations which for a large number of artifacts can prove to be significant.

Below are sample benchmarks of the “import artifacts” feature:

  • Running in a Macbook Pro (2019) 2,4 GHz 8-Core Intel Core i9/32GB 2667 MHz DDR4:

    • Adding 500,000 artifacts: ~40 minutes
      • Loaded 1 of 1 file with 500,000 artifacts

    • Adding 1,000,000 artifacts: ~55 minutes
      • Loaded 1 of 2 file with 500,000 artifacts

      • Loaded 2 of 2 file with 500,000 artifacts


Use the API flow integration to the release process (CI/CD or Distribution Platform).

Do not use “import artifacts” as a replacement for the standard procedure to add artifacts throughout the RSTUF API or CLI tool after RSTUF is deployed. This feature should only be used before going live with RSTUF.

RSTUF-CLI contains the Import Artifacts (import-artifacts) feature.

CLI usage

Import Artifacts (import-artifacts)

This feature imports a large number of artifacts directly to RSTUF Database. RSTUF doesn’t recommend using this feature for regular flow, but in case you’re onboarding an existent repository that contains a large number of artifacts.

This feature requires extra dependencies:

pip install repository-service-tuf[psycopg2,sqlachemy]

To use this feature, you need to create CSV files with the content to be imported by RSTUF CLI.

This content requires the following data:

  • path: The artifact path

  • size: The artifact size

  • hash-type: The defined hash as a metafile. Example: blak2b-256

  • hash: The hash

The CSV must use a semicolon as the separator, following the format path;size;hash-type;hash without a header.

See the below CSV file example:

 rstuf admin import-artifacts -h

 Usage: rstuf admin import-artifacts [OPTIONS]

 Import artifacts to RSTUF from exported CSV file.

╭─ Options ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│                            --api-server    TEXT  RSTUF Metadata URL i.e.: . [required]                                                         │
│ *                          --db-uri        TEXT  RSTUF DB URI. i.e.: postgresql://postgres:secret@ [required]                                     │
│ *                          --csv           TEXT  CSV file to import. Multiple --csv parameters are allowed. See rstuf CLI guide for more details. [required]    │
│    --skip-publish-artifacts                      Skip publishing artifacts in TUF Metadata.                                                                     │
│    --help                  -h                    Show this message and exit.                                                                                    │

❯ rstuf admin import-artifacts --db-uri postgresql://postgres:secret@ --csv artifacts-1of2.csv --csv artifacts-2of2.csv --api-server
Import status: Loading data from ../repository-service-tuf/tests/data/artifacts-1of2.csv
Import status: Importing ../repository-service-tuf/tests/data/artifacts-1of2.csv data
Import status: ../repository-service-tuf/tests/data/artifacts-1of2.csv imported
Import status: Loading data from ../repository-service-tuf/tests/data/artifacts-2of2.csv
Import status: Importing ../repository-service-tuf/tests/data/artifacts-2of2.csv data
Import status: ../repository-service-tuf/tests/data/artifacts-2of2.csv imported
Import status: Commiting all data to the RSTUF database
Import status: All data imported to RSTUF DB
Import status: Submitting action publish artifacts
Import status: Publish artifacts task id is dd1cbf2320ad4df6bda9ca62cdc0ef82
Import status: task STARTED
Import status: task SUCCESS
Import status: Finished.


When providing users with download or update capabilities, it is necessary to add signed metadata checkpoints to the functionality tools.